Problems in the use of skincare glycerin

1. Can we use glycerin on oily skin?
Glycerin is very good for oily skin as it draws water from the air into your skin to moisturise it without making it greasy. That is why glycerin is present in a lot of oil-free moisturisers. The humectants in glycerin also lock in the moisture in your skin to keep it hydrated. Oily skin that is prone to acne and inflammation will benefit from the skin-soothing properties of glycerin. Do ensure, however, that you always dilute glycerin with water before using on oily skin.

2. How long should I leave it on skin?
Glycerine is generally safe to use on the skin. However, you should never leave it on your skin for too long in its undliluted state. Its thick, viscous nature will attract dust and pollution to your face so wash it off a little while after application. Some remedies, however, as you to leave it on overnight, but this is only when it is diluted with rosewater or some other substance. 

3. Is glycerin soap good for skin?
Glycerin soaps is very good for the skin as it is very moisturising and locks in the moisture for many hours after you have used it. it  suits all skin types and is generally free from synthetic ingredients. These soaps are great for people with sensitive skin as it has a lowe PH than other soaps.

4. How to treat discoloured lips?
Discoloured or dark lips can regain their colour by regular use of glycerin. Apply a mixture of gycerin and lemon juice on your lips every night and you will soon start seeing a difference in the colour. Discolouration caused by lipstick can be remedied by swiping a little glycerin on your lips before you apply the lippy.

5. What is Vegetable Glycerin?
Vegetable glycerin, or glycerol, is derived from plant sources like palm oil, soy, or coconut oil. Vegetable glycerin is used in a large number of cosmetic, food and medicinal products. Glycerin can also be derived from animal sources.

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